Core Library

This library defines a standard set of components used in most Calyx programs such as registers and basic bitwise operations.


Numerical Operators


A WIDTH-wide register.


  • in: WIDTH - An input value to the register WIDTH-bits.
  • write_en: 1 - The one bit write enabled signal. Indicates that the register should store the value on the in wire.


  • out: WIDTH - The value contained in the register.
  • done: 1 - The register's done signal. Set high for one cycle after writing a new value.


A constant WIDTH-bit value with value VAL.

Inputs: None.


  • out: WIDTH - The value of the constant (i.e. VAL).


A left bit shift. Performs left << right. This component is combinational.


  • left: WIDTH - A WIDTH-bit value to be shifted.
  • right: WIDTH - A WIDTH-bit value representing the shift amount.


  • out: WIDTH - A WIDTH-bit value equivalent to left << right.


A right bit shift. Performs left >> right. This component is combinational.


  • left: WIDTH - A WIDTH-bit value to be shifted.
  • right: WIDTH - A WIDTH-bit value representing the shift amount.


  • out: WIDTH - A WIDTH-bit value equivalent to left >> right.

std_cat<WIDTH0, WIDTH1>

Concatenate two values. This component is combinational.


  • left: WIDTH0 - A WIDTH0-bit value
  • right: WIDTH1 - A WIDTH1-bit value


  • out: WIDTH0 + WIDTH1 - A WIDTH0 + WIDTH1-bit value equivalent to (left << WIDTH1) || right


Bitwise addition without a carry flag. Performs left + right. This component is combinational.


  • left: WIDTH - A WIDTH-bit value.
  • right: WIDTH - A WIDTH-bit value.


  • out: WIDTH - A WIDTH-bit value equivalent to left + right.


Bitwise subtraction. Performs left - right. This component is combinational.


  • left: WIDTH - A WIDTH-bit value.
  • right: WIDTH - A WIDTH-bit value.


  • out: WIDTH - A WIDTH-bit value equivalent to left - right.

std_slice<IN_WIDTH, OUT_WIDTH>

Slice out the lower OUT_WIDTH bits of an IN_WIDTH-bit value. Computes in[OUT_WIDTH - 1 : 0]. This component is combinational.


  • in: IN_WIDTH - An IN_WIDTH-bit value.


  • out: OUT_WIDTH - The lower OUT_WIDTH bits of in.


Extract the bit-string starting at START_IDX and ending at END_IDX - 1 from in. This is computed as in[END_IDX:START_IDX].OUT_WIDTH must be specified to be END_WIDTH - START_WITH wide when instantiating the module.


  • in: IN_WIDTH - An IN_WIDTH-bit value.


  • out: OUT_WIDTH - The value of the bit-string in[START_IDX:END_IDX].


Given an IN_WIDTH-bit input, zero pad from the left to an output of OUT_WIDTH-bits. This component is combinational.


  • in: IN_WIDTH - An IN_WIDTH-bit value to be padded.


  • out: OUT_WIDTH - The padded value.

Logical Operators


Bitwise NOT. This component is combinational.


  • in: WIDTH - A WIDTH-bit input.


  • out: WIDTH - The bitwise NOT of the input (~in).


Bitwise AND. This component is combinational.


  • left: WIDTH - A WIDTH-bit argument.
  • right: WIDTH - A WIDTH-bit argument.


  • out: WIDTH - The bitwise AND of the arguments (left & right).


Bitwise OR. This component is combinational.


  • left: WIDTH - A WIDTH-bit argument.
  • right: WIDTH - A WIDTH-bit argument.


  • out: WIDTH - The bitwise OR of the arguments (left | right).


Bitwise XOR. This component is combinational.


  • left: WIDTH - A WIDTH-bit argument.
  • right: WIDTH - A WIDTH-bit argument.


  • out: WIDTH - The bitwise XOR of the arguments (left ^ right).

Comparison Operators


Greater than. This component is combinational.


  • left: WIDTH - A WIDTH-bit argument.
  • right: WIDTH - A WIDTH-bit argument.


  • out: 1 - A single bit output. 1 if left > right else 0.


Less than. This component is combinational.


  • left: WIDTH - A WIDTH-bit argument.
  • right: WIDTH - A WIDTH-bit argument.


  • out: 1 - A single bit output. 1 if left < right else 0.


Equality comparison. This component is combinational.


  • left: WIDTH - A WIDTH-bit argument.
  • right: WIDTH - A WIDTH-bit argument.


  • out: 1 - A single bit output. 1 if left = right else 0.


Not equal. This component is combinational.


  • left: WIDTH - A WIDTH-bit argument.
  • right: WIDTH - A WIDTH-bit argument.


  • out: 1 - A single bit output. 1 if left != right else 0.


Greater than or equal. This component is combinational.


  • left: WIDTH - A WIDTH-bit argument.
  • right: WIDTH - A WIDTH-bit argument.


  • out: 1 - A single bit output. 1 if left >= right else 0.


Less than or equal. This component is combinational.


  • left: WIDTH - A WIDTH-bit argument.
  • right: WIDTH - A WIDTH-bit argument.


  • out: 1 - A single bit output. 1 if left <= right else 0.


Calyx features two flavors of memories: combinational and sequential. Combinational memories promise that they will return mem[addr] in the same cycle that addr is provided. Sequential memories, on the other hand, promise that they will return mem[addr] in the next cycle after addr is provided. We generally encourage the use of sequential memories as they are more realistic. Combinational memories are useful when the memory is known to be small, and the application is very performance-sensitive.


A one-dimensional memory with sequential reads.


  • WIDTH - Size of an individual memory slot.
  • SIZE - Number of slots in the memory.
  • IDX_SIZE - The width of the index given to the memory.


  • addr0: IDX_SIZE - The index to be accessed or updated.
  • write_data: WIDTH - Data to be written to the selected memory slot.
  • write_en: 1 - One bit write enabled signal. Used in concert with content_en; see below.
  • content_en: 1 - One bit content enabled signal. When content_en is high and write_en is low, the memory reads the value stored at addr0 and latches it. When write_en and content_en are both high, the memory writes write_data to the slot indexed by addr0 and read_data is undefined.
  • reset: 1 - A reset signal that overrides all other interface signals and sets the latched output of the memory to 0.


  • read_data: WIDTH - The value stored at addr0. This value is available once done goes high.
  • done: 1: The done signal for the memory. This signal goes high once a read or write operation is complete. In this case, this happens a cycle after the operation is requested.


A two-dimensional memory with sequential reads.


  • WIDTH - Size of an individual memory slot.
  • D0_SIZE - Number of memory slots for the first index.
  • D1_SIZE - Number of memory slots for the second index.
  • D0_IDX_SIZE - The width of the first index.
  • D1_IDX_SIZE - The width of the second index.


  • addr0: D0_IDX_SIZE - The first index into the memory.
  • addr1: D1_IDX_SIZE - The second index into the memory.
  • write_data: WIDTH - Data to be written to the selected memory slot.
  • write_en: 1 - One bit write enabled signal. Used in concert with content_en; see below.
  • content_en: 1 - One bit content enabled signal. When content_en is high, the memory reads the value stored at addr0 and addr1 and latches it. When write_en and content_en are both high, the memory writes write_data to the slot indexed by addr0 and addr1 and read_data is undefined.
  • reset: 1 - A reset signal that overrides all other interface signals and sets the latched output of the memory to 0.


  • read_data: WIDTH - The value stored at mem[addr0][addr1]. This value is available once done goes high.
  • done: 1: The done signal for the memory. This signal goes high once a read or write operation is complete. In this case, this happens a cycle after the operation is requested.


A three-dimensional memory with sequential reads.


  • WIDTH - Size of an individual memory slot.
  • D0_SIZE - Number of memory slots for the first index.
  • D1_SIZE - Number of memory slots for the second index.
  • D2_SIZE - Number of memory slots for the third index.
  • D0_IDX_SIZE - The width of the first index.
  • D1_IDX_SIZE - The width of the second index.
  • D2_IDX_SIZE - The width of the third index.


  • addr0: D0_IDX_SIZE - The first index into the memory.
  • addr1: D1_IDX_SIZE - The second index into the memory.
  • addr2: D2_IDX_SIZE - The third index into the memory.
  • write_data: WIDTH - Data to be written to the selected memory slot.
  • write_en: 1 - One bit write enabled signal. Used in concert with content_en; see below.
  • content_en: 1 - One bit content enabled signal. When content_en is high, the memory reads the value stored at addr0, addr1, and addr2 and latches it. When write_en and content_en are both high, the memory writes write_data to the slot indexed by addr0, addr1, and addr2 and read_data is undefined.
  • reset: 1 - A reset signal that overrides all other interface signals and sets the latched output of the memory to 0.


  • read_data: WIDTH - The value stored at mem[addr0][addr1][addr2]. This value is available once done goes high.
  • done: 1: The done signal for the memory. This signal goes high once a read or write operation is complete. In this case, this happens a cycle after the operation is requested.


A four-dimensional memory with sequential reads.


  • WIDTH - Size of an individual memory slot.
  • D0_SIZE - Number of memory slots for the first index.
  • D1_SIZE - Number of memory slots for the second index.
  • D2_SIZE - Number of memory slots for the third index.
  • D3_SIZE - Number of memory slots for the fourth index.
  • D0_IDX_SIZE - The width of the first index.
  • D1_IDX_SIZE - The width of the second index.
  • D2_IDX_SIZE - The width of the third index.
  • D3_IDX_SIZE - The width of the fourth index.


  • addr0: D0_IDX_SIZE - The first index into the memory.
  • addr1: D1_IDX_SIZE - The second index into the memory.
  • addr2: D2_IDX_SIZE - The third index into the memory.
  • addr3: D3_IDX_SIZE - The fourth index into the memory.
  • write_data: WIDTH - Data to be written to the selected memory slot.
  • write_en: 1 - One bit write enabled signal. Used in concert with content_en; see below.
  • content_en: 1 - One bit content enabled signal. When content_en is high, the memory reads the value stored at addr0, addr1, addr2, and addr3 and latches it. When write_en and content_en are both high, the memory writes write_data to the slot indexed by addr0, addr1, addr2, and addr3 and read_data is undefined.
  • reset: 1 - A reset signal that overrides all other interface signals and sets the latched output of the memory to 0.


  • read_data: WIDTH - The value stored at mem[addr0][addr1][addr2][addr3]. This value is available once done goes high.
  • done: 1: The done signal for the memory. This signal goes high once a read or write operation is complete. In this case, this happens a cycle after the operation is requested.


A one-dimensional memory with combinational reads.


  • WIDTH - Size of an individual memory slot.
  • SIZE - Number of slots in the memory.
  • IDX_SIZE - The width of the index given to the memory.


  • addr0: IDX_SIZE - The index to be accessed or updated.
  • write_data: WIDTH - Data to be written to the selected memory slot.
  • write_en: 1 - One bit write enabled signal, causes the memory to write write_data to the slot indexed by addr0.


  • read_data: WIDTH - The value stored at addr0. This value is combinational with respect to addr0.
  • done: 1: The done signal for the memory. This signal goes high for one cycle after finishing a write to the memory.


A two-dimensional memory with combinational reads.


  • WIDTH - Size of an individual memory slot.
  • D0_SIZE - Number of memory slots for the first index.
  • D1_SIZE - Number of memory slots for the second index.
  • D0_IDX_SIZE - The width of the first index.
  • D1_IDX_SIZE - The width of the second index.


  • addr0: D0_IDX_SIZE - The first index into the memory.
  • addr1: D1_IDX_SIZE - The second index into the memory.
  • write_data: WIDTH - Data to be written to the selected memory slot.
  • write_en: 1 - One bit write enabled signal, causes the memory to write write_data to the slot indexed by addr0 and addr1.


  • read_data: WIDTH - The value stored at mem[addr0][addr1]. This value is combinational with respect to addr0 and addr1.
  • done: 1: The done signal for the memory. This signal goes high for one cycle after finishing a write to the memory.


A three-dimensional memory with combinational reads.


  • WIDTH - Size of an individual memory slot.
  • D0_SIZE - Number of memory slots for the first index.
  • D1_SIZE - Number of memory slots for the second index.
  • D2_SIZE - Number of memory slots for the third index.
  • D0_IDX_SIZE - The width of the first index.
  • D1_IDX_SIZE - The width of the second index.
  • D2_IDX_SIZE - The width of the third index.


  • addr0: D0_IDX_SIZE - The first index into the memory.
  • addr1: D1_IDX_SIZE - The second index into the memory.
  • addr2: D2_IDX_SIZE - The third index into the memory.
  • write_data: WIDTH - Data to be written to the selected memory slot.
  • write_en: 1 - One bit write enabled signal, causes the memory to write write_data to the slot indexed by addr0, addr1, and addr2.


  • read_data: WIDTH - The value stored at mem[addr0][addr1][addr2]. This value is combinational with respect to addr0, addr1, and addr2.
  • done: 1: The done signal for the memory. This signal goes high for one cycle after finishing a write to the memory.


A four-dimensional memory with combinational reads.


  • WIDTH - Size of an individual memory slot.
  • D0_SIZE - Number of memory slots for the first index.
  • D1_SIZE - Number of memory slots for the second index.
  • D2_SIZE - Number of memory slots for the third index.
  • D3_SIZE - Number of memory slots for the fourth index.
  • D0_IDX_SIZE - The width of the first index.
  • D1_IDX_SIZE - The width of the second index.
  • D2_IDX_SIZE - The width of the third index.
  • D3_IDX_SIZE - The width of the fourth index.


  • addr0: D0_IDX_SIZE - The first index into the memory.
  • addr1: D1_IDX_SIZE - The second index into the memory.
  • addr2: D2_IDX_SIZE - The third index into the memory.
  • addr3: D3_IDX_SIZE - The fourth index into the memory.
  • write_data: WIDTH - Data to be written to the selected memory slot.
  • write_en: 1 - One bit write enabled signal, causes the memory to write write_data to the slot indexed by addr0, addr1, addr2, and addr3.


  • read_data: WIDTH - The value stored at mem[addr0][addr1][addr2][addr3]. This value is combinational with respect to addr0, addr1, addr2, and addr3.
  • done: 1: The done signal for the memory. This signal goes high for one cycle after finishing a write to the memory.