The Calyx Compiler

The Calyx compiler has several command line options to control the execution of various passes and backends.

Controlling Passes

The compiler is organized as a sequence of passes that are run when the compiler executes. To get a complete list of all passes, run the following:

cargo run -- pass-help

This generates results of the form:

- collapse-control: <description>
- compile-control: <description>

- all: well-formed, papercut, remove-external-memories, ...

The first section lists all the passes implemented in the compiler. The second section lists aliases for combinations of passes that are commonly run together. For example, the alias all is an ordered sequence of default passes executed when the compiler is run from the command-line.

The command-line provides two options to control the execution of passes:

  • -p, --pass: Execute this pass or alias. Overrides default alias.
  • -d, --disable-pass: Disable this pass or alias. Takes priority over -p.

For example, we can run the following to disable the static-timing pass from the default execution alias all:

cargo run -- examples/futil/simple.futil -p all -d static-timing

Providing Pass Options

Some passes take options to control their behavior. The --list-passes command prints out the options for each pass. For example, the tdcc pass has the following options:

tdcc: <description>
  * dump-fsm: Print out the state machine implementing the schedule

The option allows us to change the behavior of the pass. To provide a pass-specific option, we use the -x switch:

cargo run -- examples/futil/simple.futil -p tdcc -x tdcc:dump-fsm

Note that we specify the option of tdcc by prefixing it with the pass name and a colon.

Specifying Primitives Library

The compiler implementation uses a standard library of components to compile programs. The only standard library for the compiler is located in:

<path to Calyx repository>/primitives

Specify the location of the library using the -l flag:

cargo run -- -l ./primitives

Primitive Libraries Format

The primitive libraries consist of a .futil file paired with a .sv file. The .futil file defines a series of Calyx shim bindings in extern blocks which match up with SystemVerilog definitions of those primitives. These libraries may also expose components written in Calyx, usually defined using primitives exposed by the file.

No Calyx program can work without the primitives defined in the Core Library.