Builder Library Walkthrough

This is an extended walkthough of all the features of the Calyx builder library. The builder library is an embedded DSL, embedded in Python, that allows users to generate Calyx code programmatically.

This page seeks to demonstrate all the features of the builder library. For a quick start, we refer you to the hello world example.

We will make repeated references to the example program, which emits the Calyx codewalkthrough.expect when run. We recommend that you refer to these files as you work through this document.


We add a component to our program as follows:

    comp = prog.component("adder")

Ports of Components

We specify the names and bitwidths of any ports that we want a component to have as follows:

    val1 = comp.input("val1", 32)
    val2 = comp.input("val2", 32)
    comp.output("out", 32)

Observe that we have saved handles to the input ports by assigning them to Python variables, but have not done the same with the output port. We will show shortly how to create a handle to a port after its definition.

It is also possible to create ports that have attributes. Attributes can either be described as a string or a (string, value) tuple. A string such as "data", which will create an @data attribute. A (string, value) tuple such as ("done", 1) will create an @done(1) attribute.

    comp.output("out_2", 1, ["data"])
    comp.output("out_3", 1, ["data", ("done", 1)])


We add cells to the component as follows. The standard cells are all supported. Bitwidths must be passed as arguments, while names are optional.

    sum = comp.reg(32)
    add = comp.add(32)

The adder defined above is unsigned; we would define a signed variant as:

    add = comp.add(32, signed=True)


We begin a group with:

    with"compute_sum") as compute_sum:

We add wires within a group by staying within the indentation of the with block.

Combinational groups are written similarly, but with comb_group instead of group:

    with comp.comb_group("update_register") as update_register:

Static groups are written with static_group, and must specify a latency. The group below will take 3 cycles to execute:

    with comp.static_group("multiply", 3) as compute_sum:

Ports of Cells

We access ports of cells using dot notation.

        add.left = val1
        add.right = val2

Special Case: in_

We specify the value to be written to a register with:

        sum.in_ = add.out

Although the Calyx port is named in, we must write in_ in the eDSL to avoid a clash with Python's in keyword.

HI and LO Signals

The builder library provides shorthand for high and low signals.

        sum.write_en = cb.HI

There is a corresponding LO signal. These are just one-bit values 1 and 0, respectively.

Group done Signals

Groups that are not combinational must raise a done signal.

        compute_sum.done = sum.done

Accessing Output Ports of Components

We can create a handle to a port after its definition.

    with comp.continuous:
        comp.this().out = sum.out

That is, comp.this().out is a handle to the port named "out" on the component whose handle is comp.

Accessing ports in this way may feel silly, since we have already shown that we can save handles to ports by assigning them to Python variables. This does work for input ports, but not for output ports.

Say we had saved a handle to the output port of the adder component:

out = comp.output("out", 32)

Now say we wanted to say that the output port gets the value of the sum's output port:

out = sum.out

Python will get in our way because it will think that out is a variable that is written to (twice!) but never read from.

To avoid this, we use the this() method to access the output ports of a component.

Continuous Assignments

Continuous assignments are added using with {component}.continuous:.

    with comp.continuous:
        comp.this().out = sum.out

Simple Control Program

A simple control program is added to the component as follows. This is just enabling the group that we have defined.

    comp.control += compute_sum

Binary Operation and Store

The library provides a shorthand for the common pattern of performing a binary operation and writing the result to a register.

    diff_group_1, _ = comp.sub_store_in_reg(val1, val2, diff)

Here diff is a handle to a register that we have defined earlier. This single line of Python adds lines to the cells and the wires sections of the Calyx code:

  cells {
    sub_1 = std_sub(32);
  wires {
    group sub_1_group {
      sub_1.left = val1;
      sub_1.right = val2;
      diff.write_en = 1'd1; = sub_1.out;
      sub_1_group[done] = diff.done;

In Python, its return value is a handle to the group that it has created, and a handle to the register is has written to. In the line of Python above, we have saved the handle to the group (as diff_group_1) but have discarded the handle to the register using a _ variable name since we already have a handle to the register, diff.

This construct can also be called without passing a register, in which case it will create a register and return it. It is useful in that case to save the handle to the register.


The library provides a shorthand for the common pattern of performing a binary operation and using the result combinationally.

    val2_lt_val1 = comp.lt_use(val2, val1)

This line of Python adds lines to the cells and the wires sections of the Calyx code:

cells {
    lt_3 = std_lt(32);
  wires {
    comb group lt_3_group {
      lt_3.left = val2;
      lt_3.right = val1;

Note that the group is combinational, and so does not need a done signal.

The value returned by this function, which we have saved above as val2_lt_val1 is in fact a tuple of handles: a handle to the group that it has created and a handle to the cell that that group uses. We shall see shortly how to use this tuple.

Complex Control: par, seq, if

Let us work through a slightly more complex control program.

    comp.control += cb.par(
            cb.if_(ge_reg.out, diff_group_1, diff_group_2),
        cb.if_with(val2_lt_val1, diff_group_2, diff_group_1),

We run control operators in sequence by making them elements of a list. This is why the group val1_ge_val2 runs before the if check written on the next line.

We run control operators in parallel by passing them to the par function.

The if_ function (named with the underscore to avoid clashing with Python's if keyword) is a straightforward if check. It takes a condition, a body, and an optional else body.

The if_with function is a slightly more complex if check. It takes a (cell, comb_group) tuple, a body, and an optional else body. It generates a combinational if check, of the form

if cell.out with comb_group ...

It is especially useful in concert with the Operation-Use construct, which returns exactly such a tuple of a cell and a group.

Multi-Component Designs

Using one component in another is straightforward.

We must first define the called component as a cell of the calling component, and then we can use the cell as usual.

Say we have a handle, diff_comp, to the component that we wish to call. Say also that we know that the component has input ports val1 and val2, and an output port out.

We can write:

    abs_diff = comp.cell("abs_diff", diff_comp)
    with"compute_diff") as diff_group:
        abs_diff.val1 = val1
        abs_diff.val2 = val2
        abs_diff.go = cb.HI
        mux.write_en = abs_diff.done
        mux.in_ = abs_diff.out
        diff_group.done = mux.done

Although the called component did not have explicit go and done ports, the builder library has added them for us. We use these ports to guide the execution of the group. We assert the go signal to the called component with diff_comp.go = HI, and then, by writing mux.write_en = abs_diff.done, we make the write to the register mux conditional on the done signal of the called component.


We can define memories in a component as follows:

    mem = comp.comb_mem_d1("mem", 32, 10, 32, is_ref=True)

This is a 1-D memory with ten 32-bit entries, each 32 bits wide. We have additionally declared that this memory will be passed to the component by reference. We shall see how shortly.

Miscellaneous Higher-Level Constructors

As patterns of use emerge, we can add further constructors to the builder library to support common use-cases. For example, we can add a constructor that increments a register by a constant value.

    incr_i = comp.incr(i)

That line of Python adds lines to the cells and the wires sections of the Calyx code:

  cells {
    i_incr = std_add(8);
  wires {
    group i_incr_group {
      i_incr.left = i.out;
      i_incr.right = 8'd1;
      i.write_en = 1'd1; = i_incr.out;
      i_incr_group[done] = i.done;

The Python return value, incr_i, is a handle to the group that performs the incrementing. The method defaults to incrementing by 1, but can be passed any value.

Guarded Assignments

Consider the group that multiplies the memory at the cell pointed to by register i by the value v.

    with"mul_at_position_i") as mul_at_position_i:
        mem.addr0 = i.out
        mul.left = mem.read_data
        mul.right = v
        mem.write_en = mul.done @ cb.HI
        mem.write_data = mul.out
        mul_at_position_i.done = mem.done

The first few lines are straightforward; we are setting the cell to be read from with addr0, reading from that cell and driving the value to the multiplier's left port, and setting the right port of the multiplier to the value v.

Now we wish to write the result to the memory at the cell pointed to by register i, but only once we know that the multiplier has finished its work. We do this with a guarded assignment, using the @ operator:

        mem.write_en = mul.done @ cb.HI

In Calyx, we would have written this guarded assignment with a question mark:

        mem.write_en = mul.done ? 1'd1;

We use the @ operator in the builder library to avoid clashing with Python's ternary operator.

Complex Control: while

The builder library supports while loops and also the higher-level while_with constructor.

    comp.control += cb.while_with(i_lt_10, [mul_at_position_i, incr_i])

Here i_lt_10 is a tuple of two handles, exactly as returned by the Operation-Use constructor. The while_with constructor takes this tuple and a body.

External Memories

We can define external memories in a component, typically the main component, as follows:

    mymem = comp.comb_mem_d1("mymem", 32, 10, 32, is_external=True)

Invoking Components

We can invoke components as follows:

        cb.invoke(map, ref_mem=mymem, in_v=cb.const(32, 42))

That is, we have a Python-level handle to some component map that has one memory called mem that it expects to be passed by reference, and one input port called v. We must prepend ref_ to the names of any memories, and in_ to the names of any input ports.

Building the Program

Finally, we build the program.

def build():
    prog = cb.Builder()
    diff_comp = insert_abs_diff_component(prog)
    insert_mux_component(prog, diff_comp)
    map_comp = insert_map_component(prog)
    insert_main_component(prog, map_comp)
    return prog.program

Note that all of our component-inserting helpers have been returning the components that they have created. This is so that we can build complex programs where components either call each other as cells or invoke each other.

This is why we save a Python-level handle to the diff_comp component that we have defined, and then pass it to the insert_mux_component function. As we have seen, the mux uses diff_comp as a cell.

We also save a Python-level handle to the map component that we have defined, and then pass it to the insert_main_component function. As we have seen, map is invoked by main.

Emitting the Program

Finally, we emit Calyx.

if __name__ == "__main__":

Retrieving Items by Name

In the discussion so far, we have guided you towards a pattern of defining an item (a cell, a group, a component, etc.) and then saving a handle to it as a Python variable. This is a good pattern to follow, but it is not the only one.

To reference a component without an existing handle to it, use the Builder().get_component() method.

# a few lines later
my_component = prog.get_component("my_component")

To access the input and output ports of a component within the definition of a component, use the syntax my_component.this().port.

def add_my_component(prog):
    my_component = prog.component("my_component")
    my_component.output("my_output", 32)

        my_component.this().my_output = const(32, 1)

In order to reference a cell without a handle use the Builder().get_cell() method.

my_component.reg("my_reg", 32)
# a few lines later
my_reg = prog.get_cell("my_reg")

A group can be retrieved with the Builder().get_group() method. It's possible to retrieve combinational groups as well as regular groups with this method.

    # group definition here
# a few lines later
my_group = prog.get_group("my_group")

Defining Component Attributes

Components can be given attributes. Similar to ports, just specify the name of the attribute and its value. Note that attribute(name, value) does not return a handle to the attribute.

my_component.attribute("my_attribute", 1)

Will create a component that looks like:

component my_component<"my_attribute"=1>(...) -> (...) {

Importing Calyx Libraries

The builder library imports necessary Calyx libraries automatically. However, it is possible to import additional libraries manually.

prog = cb.Builder()

Explictly Stating Widths

Usually, the builder library can automatically infer the widths of constants. In cases where it cannot, it will complain at Python compilation. Use the const(width, value) expression to explicitly state the width of a constant.

my_cell.my_port = const(32, 1)

Components with Known Latency

You can declare a component to be static by stating its latency when declaring it. For instance, our contrived adder from above could be declared as static with a latency of one cycle as follows:

comp = prog.component("adder", latency=1)

As a reminder, the regular version is just:

comp = prog.component("adder")