Calyx Language Tutorial

This tutorial will familiarize you with the Calyx language by writing a minimal program by hand. Usually, Calyx code will be generated by a frontend. However, by writing the program by hand, you can get familiar with all the basic constructs you need to generate Calyx yourself!

Complete code for each example can be found in the tutorial directory in the Calyx repository.

Get Started

The basic building block of Calyx programs is a component which corresponds to hardware modules (or function definitions for the software-minded).

Here is an empty component definition for main along with an import statement to import the standard library:

import "primitives/core.futil";

component main(@go go: 1) -> (@done done: 1) {
  cells {}
  wires {}
  control {}

Put this in a file—you can call it language-tutorial-mem.futil, for example. (The futil file extension comes from an old name for Calyx.)

You can think of a component as a unit of Calyx code roughly analogous to a function: it encapsulates a logical unit of hardware structures along with their control. Every component definition has three sections:

  • cells: The hardware subcomponents that make up this component.
  • wires: A set of guarded connections between components, possibly organized into groups.
  • control: The imperative program that defines the component's execution schedule: i.e., when each group executes.

We'll fill these sections up minimally in the next sections.

A Memory Cell

Let's turn our skeleton into a tiny, nearly no-op Calyx program. We'll start by adding a memory component to the cells:

  cells {
    @external mem = comb_mem_d1(32, 1, 1);

This new line declares a new cell called mem and the primitive component comb_mem_d1 represents a 1D memory. You can see the definition of comb_mem_d1, and all the other standard components, in the primitives/core.futil library we imported.

This one has three parameters: the data width (here, 32 bits), the number of elements (just one), and the width of the address port (one bit).

The @external syntax is an extra bit of magic that allows us to read and write to the memory.

Next, we'll add some assignments to the wires section to update the value in the memory. Insert these lines to put a constant value into the memory:

  wires {
      mem.addr0 = 1'b0;
      mem.write_data = 32'd42;
      mem.write_en = 1'b1;
      done = mem.done;

These assignments refer to four ports on the memory component: addr0 (the address port), write_data (the value we're putting into the memory), write_en (the write enable signal, telling the memory that it's time to do a write), and done (signals that the write was committed). Constants like 32'd42 are Verilog-like literals that include the bit width (32), the base (d for decimal), and the value (42).

Assignments at the top level in the wires section, like these, are "continuous". They always happen, without any need for control statements to orchestrate them. We'll see later how to organize assignments into groups.

The complete program for this section is available under examples/tutorial/language-tutorial-mem.futil.

Compile & Run

We can almost run this program! But first, we need to provide it with data. The Calyx infrastructure can provide data to programs from JSON files. So make a file called something like data.json containing something along these lines:

  "mem": {
    "data": [10],
    "format": {
      "numeric_type": "bitnum",
      "is_signed": false,
      "width": 32

The mem key means we're providing the initial value for our memory called mem. We have one (unsigned integer) data element, and we indicate the bit width (32 bits).

If you want to see how this Calyx program compiles to Verilog, here's the fud incantation you need:

fud exec language-tutorial-mem.futil --to verilog

Not terribly interesting! However, one nice thing you can do with programs is execute them.

To run our program using Icarus Verilog, do this:

fud exec language-tutorial-mem.futil --to dat --through icarus-verilog \
    -s data.json

Using --to dat asks fud to run the program, and the extra -s <filename> argument tells it where to find the input data. The --through icarus-verilog option tells fud which Verilog simulator to use (see the chapter about fud for alternatives such as Verilator). Executing this program should print:

  "cycles": 1,
  "memories": {
    "mem": [

Meaning that, after the program finished, the final value in our memory was 42.

Note: Verilator may report a different cycle count compared to the one above. As long as the final value in memory is correct, this does not matter.

Add Control

Let's change our program to use an execution schedule. First, we're going to wrap all the assignments in the wires section into a name group:

  wires {
    group the_answer {
      mem.addr0 = 1'b0;
      mem.write_data = 32'd42;
      mem.write_en = 1'b1;
      the_answer[done] = mem.done;

We also need one extra line in the group: that assignment to the_answer[done]. Here, we say that the_answer's work is done once the update to mem has finished. Calyx groups have compilation holes called go and done that the control program will use to orchestrate their execution.

The last thing we need is a control program. Add one line to activate the_answer and then finish:

  control {

If you execute this program, it should do the same thing as the original group-free version: mem ends up with 42 in it. But now we're controlling things with an execution schedule.

If you're curious to see how the Calyx compiler lowers this program to a Verilog-like structural form of Calyx, you can do this:

fud exec language-tutorial-mem.futil --to calyx-lowered

Notably, you'll see control {} in the output, meaning that the compiler has eliminated all the control statements and replaced them with continuous assignments in wires.

The complete program for this section is available under examples/tutorial/language-tutorial-control.futil.

Add an Adder

The next step is to actually do some computation. In this version of the program, we'll read a value from the memory, increment it, and store the updated value back to the memory.

First, we will add two components to the cells section:

  cells {
    @external(1) mem = comb_mem_d1(32, 1, 1);
    val = std_reg(32);
    add = std_add(32);

We make a register val and an integer adder add, both configured to work on 32-bit values.

Next, we'll create three groups in the wires section for the three steps we want to run: read, increment, and write back to the memory. Let's start with the last step, which looks pretty similar to our the_answer group from above, except that the value comes from the val register instead of a constant:

    group write {
      mem.addr0 = 1'b0;
      mem.write_en = 1'b1;
      mem.write_data = val.out;
      write[done] = mem.done;

Next, let's create a group read that moves the value from the memory to our register val:

    group read {
      mem.addr0 = 1'b0; = mem.read_data;
      val.write_en = 1'b1;
      read[done] = val.done;

Here, we use the memory's read_data port to get the initial value out.

Finally, we need a third group to add and update the value in the register:

    group upd {
      add.left = val.out;
      add.right = 32'd4; = add.out;
      val.write_en = 1'b1;
      upd[done] = val.done;

The std_add component from the standard library has two input ports, left and right, and a single output port, out, which we hook up to the register's in port. This group adds a constant 4 to the register's value, updating it in place. We can enable the val register with a constant 1 because the std_add component is combinational, meaning its results are ready "instantly" without the need to wait for a done signal.

We need to extend our control program to orchestrate the execution of the three groups. We will need a seq statement to say we want to the three steps sequentially:

  control {
    seq {

Try running this program again. The memory's initial value was 10, and its final value after execution should be 14.

The complete program for this section is available under examples/tutorial/language-tutorial-compute.futil.


Next, we'd like to run our little computation in a loop. The idea is to use Calyx's while control construct, which works like this:

while <value> with <group> {

A while loop runs the control statements in the body until <value>, which is some port on some component, becomes zero. The with <group> bit means that we activate a given group in order to compute the condition value that determines whether the loop continues executing.

Let's run our memory-updating seq block in a while loop. Change the control program to look like this:

  control {
    seq {
      while lt.out with cond {
        par {
          seq {

This version uses while, the parallel composition construct par, and a few new groups we will need to define. The idea is that we'll use a counter register to make this loop run a fixed number of times, like a for loop. First, we have an outer seq that invokes an init group that we will write to set the counter to zero. The while loop then uses a new group cond, and it will run while a signal lt.out remains nonzero: this signal will compute counter < 8. The body of the loop runs our old seq block in parallel with a new incr group to increment the counter.

Let's add some cells to our component:

    counter = std_reg(32);
    add2 = std_add(32);
    lt = std_lt(32);

We'll need a new register, an adder to do the incrementing, and a less-than comparator.

We can use these raw materials to build the new groups we need: init, incr, and cond. First, the init group is pretty simple:

    group init { = 32'd0;
      counter.write_en = 1'b1;
      init[done] = counter.done;

This group just writes a zero into the counter and signals that it's done. Next, the incr group adds one to the value in counter using add2:

    group incr {
      add2.left = counter.out;
      add2.right = 32'd1; = add2.out;
      counter.write_en = 1'b1;
      incr[done] = counter.done;

And finally, cond uses our comparator lt to compute the signal we need for our while loop. We use a comb group to denote that the assignments inside the condition can be run combinationally:

    comb group cond {
      lt.left = counter.out;
      lt.right = 32'd8;

By comparing with 8, we should now be running our loop body 8 times.

Try running this program again. The output should be the result of adding 4 to the initial value 8 times, so 10 + 8 × 4.

The complete program for this section is available under examples/tutorial/language-tutorial-iterate.futil.

Take a look at the full language reference for details on the complete language.