Experimental: Synchronization

Calyx's default semantics do not admit any predictable form of language-level synchronization in presence of parallelism. We're currently experimenting with a suite of new primitives that add synchronization to the language.

@sync attribute


Consider the following control program in calyx:

    par {
      /// thread A
      while lt.out with comp {
        seq {

      /// thread B
      while lt.out with comp {
        seq {

where groups add_r_to_accm and incr_r reads value and increments value in register r, respectively, as indicated by their names.

Because calyx does not make any guarantee of the order of execution for threads running in parallel, it is impossible for us to determine which thread will access r first for each iteration.

Nondeterminism when running parallel threads is beneficial on the compiler's end, as it will give the compiler more freedom for optimization. However, we sometimes do want to give parallel threads a measure of ordering while still taking advantage of the performance boost of parallelism. The @sync attribute allows us to do that.

Using the @sync attribute

Now we want to modify the program above so that in every iteration, thread A always reads after thread B finishes incrementing using the @sync attribute with the following:

    par {
      // thread A
      while lt.out with comp {
        seq {

      // thread B
      while lt.out with comp {
        seq {

First and foremost, always remember to import "primitives/sync.futil" when using the @sync attribute.

The @sync syntax can only be marked with empty statements. @sync means that the thread marked with a certain value, now called barrier index, for this attribute, must stop and wait for all other threads marked with the same barrier index to arrive, at which point they can proceed.

In the modified program above, we see that incr_idx and incr_r must both finish in order for either thread to go forth. Because add_r_to_accm is executed after incr_idx in thread A, we know that in each iteration, incr_r will always increment r before add_r_to_accm reads it. We've also inserted another barrier at the end of the while loops for each thread, which essentially means add_r_to_accm has to finish before either thread enters the next iteration.

Synchronization in Branches

We can also have "barriers" in if branches:

    par {
      // thread 1
      while lt.out with comp {
        if eq.out with st_0 {
          seq {
        else {
          seq {

      // thread 2
      while lt.out with comp {
        seq {

In this control program, both branches of thread 1 have statements marked with @sync(1), which syncs it up with thread 2.

Be really really careful when using the @sync attribute in conditional branches! If the other thread sharing one "barrier" with your thread is blocked unconditionally, then you would probably want to have the same @sync value in both branches; since having the same @sync value in only one branch would likely lead to a "deadlock" situation: if thread A is running in the unlocked branch while the thread B has a "barrier" that is expecting two threads, thread B may never proceed because thread A never arrives at the "barrier".

More Complex Example

If you want to see a more complex design using @sync, see sync-dot-product


Currently we only support two threads sharing the same "barrier", i.e., only two threads can have control with the @sync attribute marked with the same value.