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Passes for the Calyx compiler.


Perform serval canonicalizations on the program.
Given a LiveRangeAnalysis that specifies the “share” and “state_share” cells alive at each group, minimizes the cells used for each component.
Adds assignments from a components clk port to every component that contains an input clk port.
Collapses and de-nests control constructs.
Propagate unconditional reads and writes from wires.
Compiles ir::Invoke statements into an ir::Enable that runs the invoked component.
Compiles ir::Invoke statements into an ir::Enable that runs the invoked component.
Compiles Static Islands
  • loop through all control statements under “par” block to find # barriers needed and # members of each barrier
  • add all cells and groups needed
  • loop through all control statements, find the statements with @sync attribute and replace them with seq { ; incr_barrier_0_; write_barrier_0_; wait_; restore_; } or seq { ; incr_barrier__; write_barrier__; wait_; wait_restore_; }
  • Compiles @sync without use of std_sync_reg Upon encountering @sync, it first instantiates a std_reg(1) for each thread(bar) and a std_wire(1) for each barrier (s) It then continuously assigns the value of (s.in) to 1’d1 guarded by the expression that all values of bar for threads under the barrier are set to 1’d1 Then it replaces the @sync control operator with seq { barrier; clear; } barrier simply sets the value of bar to 1’d1 and then waits for s.out to be up clear resets the value of bar to 1’d0 for reuse of barrier Using this method, each thread only incurs 3 cycles of latency overhead for the barrier, and we theoretically won’t have a limit for number of threads under one barrier
    Inlines all sub-components marked with the @inline attribute. Cannot inline components when they:
    Infers @control and @data annotations for cells. A cell marked with @data can have 'x assignments to its @data ports which enables downstream optimizations.
    Removes unused assigns from groups. Analyzes the writes to combinational cells in groups In order for a combinational cell to be considered “used”, it must:
    Removes unused cells from components.
    Removes unused groups and combinational groups from components. A group is considered in use when it shows up in an ir::Enable. A combinational group is considered in use when it is a part of an ir::If or ir::While or ir::Invoke.
    Adds default assignments to all non-@data ports of an instance.
    A pass to detect cells that have been inlined into the top-level component and turn them into real cells marked with ir::BoolAttr::External.
    Turns memory cell primitives with the @external(1) attribute into ref memory cells without the @external attribute.
    Externalize input/output ports for cells marked with the @external(1) attribute. The ports of these cells are exposed through the ports of the parent component.
    Add the group’s go signal into the guards of all non-hole assignments of this group.
    Transform groups that are structurally invoking components into equivalent ir::Invoke statements.
    Transforms a group into a seq of 2 smaller groups, if possible. Currently, in order for a group to be transformed must
    Removes all groups and inlines reads and writes from holes.
    This pass checks if components are (state) shareable. Here is the process it goes through: if a component uses any ref cells, or non-shareable cells then it is automatically not shareable. Otherwise, check if each read of a stateful cell is guaranteed to be dominated by a write to the same cell– we check this by building a domination map. If so, component is state shareable.
    Lowers guards into a purely structural representation. After this pass, all guards are guaranteed to be either ir::Guard::True or ir::Guard::Port.
    Merge assignments of the form with the same (dst_port, src_port) pairs.
    Pass to check for common errors such as missing assignments to done holes of groups.
    Transforms all par into seq. Uses analysis::ControlOrder to get a sequentialization of par such that the program still computes the same value. When there is no such sequentialization, errors out.
    Unsharing registers reduces the amount of multiplexers used in the final design, trading them off for more memory.
    Removes NODE_ID, BEGIN_ID, and END_ID from each control statement
    Adds assignments from a components reset port to every component that contains an input reset port.
    Simplifies Static Guards In particular if g = g1 & g2 & …gn, then it takes all of the g_i’s that are “static timing intervals”, e.g., %[2:3], and combines them into one timing interval. For example: (port.out | !port1.out) & (port2.out == port3.out) & %[2:8] & %[5:10] ? becomes (port.out | !port1.out) & (port2.out == port3.out) & %[5:8] ? by “combining” %[2:8] & %[5:10]
    Transforms combinational groups into normal groups by registering the values read from the ports of cells used within the combinational group.
    Infer @promotable annotation for groups and control. Inference occurs whenever possible.
    Promote control to static when (conservatively) possible, using @promote_static annotations from infer_static.
    Pass to check common synthesis issues.
    Core lowering pass. Compiles away the control programs in components into purely structural code using an finite-state machine (FSM).
    Fully unroll all while loops with a given @bound.
    Pass to check if the program is well-formed.
    Alternate hole inliner that removes groups and group holes by instantiating wires that hold the value for each signal.
    If the top-level component is not named main, adds a new main component and makes it the top-level component. This is useful because a lot of our tools rely on the name main being the design under test (DUT).